
Meet Our Bright Summer Update

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: Updates , 11:50 3434

Hooray, summer has arrived, and so has a new addition to the uKit platform!

Meet an updated Video widget, a new system title “reply-to” for feedback forms and easy-to-use settings for an online shop.

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Wallet One Checkout for uKit Stores

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: , 12:45 3033

We are happy to share yet another good news with you: starting from now, owners of online shops created with uKit can connect a new payment method — Wallet One Checkout. Enjoy!

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Hot Summer Offer at uKit

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: News , 17:03 3878

To warm you up after the chilly spring, we are announcing an incendiary summer offer.
Kick start a new season with our truly hot discounts! Read on to learn the details.

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Product Options for the uKit Online Shop

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: , 14:52 3120

In today's update, we bring you a new feature that greatly enhances the capacity of the uKit online store — product options. Starting from now, in the settings of the Product widget, you can add selectable variants to a product. This allows your customers to order a specific version (for example, a particular color or size) as well as see the difference in price depending on the choice they make.

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Secure Your uKit Website with HTTPS

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: Updates , 13:20 3969

We are particularly delighted to announce the today’s update, as we know how greatly it was anticipated by most of you. Starting from now, you can attach a SSL certificate to your uKit website! Read on to learn the details.

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New Image Cropping Tool

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: , 14:29 2976

Many of you must have already noticed that the image editing experience has improved on uKit. Now it’s easy to choose the part of the image that you’d like to display by removing the outer, non-important aspects like a watermark in the corner or other "elements" that got in the way – we all remember the joke about that one friend who spoils every picture :)

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Meet New Stylish Designs for Your uKit Website!

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: , 14:54 3256

We’re excited to have added a big batch of stunning responsive designs to our ever-growing template collection. The new designs are already available in your website settings.
So, without further ado, let’s have a look at them!

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Font Settings for uKit!

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: Updates , 10:00 5413

It's not only trees and flowers that blossom in the spring. uKit is bursting with new additions for the springtime too. Meet the new functionality that many of you have been asking for – now you can change default fonts in the Design settings of your website!

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Launching eCommerce Functionality on uKit

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: News , 11:10 4045

One and a half months ago we announced the launch of our own functionality to create an online shop with uKit — the shopping cart. All this time up until now it has been at the beta test stage and today we’re ready to unveil it!

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We’ve Turned 2 Years Old!

Added by: Caterpillar | Category: Updates , 17:40 3558

Hurray! Today we celebrate our second birthday! We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the amazing and productive time we’ve spent together — it has been the whooping 731 days! And say hello to those who have recently found out about us! :)

We invite you to take a moment and join us in reflecting on what we have achieved so far!
(A special offer inside!)

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