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New Designs Are Here! Flower Shop, Bakery, Kennel & More!

Added by: ihor_hromov , 07:39 2352

The best part about uKit templates is that they are multi-purpose. In just a few minutes, any design can be transformed beyond recognition by uploading your custom images and entering your own texts. Yet, our template library never stops growing — we keep adding designs to the existing categories as well as filling completely new niches.

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New ‘My Sites’ Tab on uKit

Added by: julia_piglet , 17:41 2634

With this update, we take the first step towards simpler management of several projects within one account. The uKit Dashboard now has the My sites tab which allows you to sort the sites the way you like: by name, date they were created, paid plan and other parameters.

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Faster Website Load Speed & New Currencies for Online Shop

Added by: Caterpillar , 16:55 2484

And we are back with a fresh update! This time we are thrilled to announce the improvement to the site load speed, both for mobile experience and desktop one. As part of the release, we have significantly reduced the amount of CSS and JS code, further optimized images in Gallery, Product and Reviews widgets, as well as the background images in blocks and default graphics in widgets. Read on to learn the details.

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Optimizing Graphics & New Parallax Effect

Added by: Caterpillar , 00:51 2631

Great images make great websites. They help your website rank better in search engines results, drive new clients and keep returning customers engaged. That’s why we’re excited to present this important update. Now the graphics on uKit websites are additionally optimized, which improves the site performance and the page load time. Besides, we’ve introduced a brand new parallax effect. Enjoy!

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New Pop-up Window Features

Added by: Caterpillar , 18:48 3962

We are excited to kick start this week with a new addition to our Builder! This time, we enhanced the features to manage pop-up windows on your website and transferred their settings to the widget panel on the left.

Now you can set a timer for a pop-up window to open, make it appear when a user scrolls the page or about to leave the website. And more options are underway!

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New “Cost Calculator” Widget

Added by: Caterpillar , 13:50 4174

We are back with great news! Today we are happy to present you a cool tool to enhance the functionality of your website — the cost calculator. The new widget is already available on uKit. Enjoy! :)

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Connecting AmoCRM to Your uKit Website

Added by: Caterpillar , 13:29 3305

Many of you have written in lately asking for an integrated solution to keep track of clients and orders (aka customer relationship management — CRM — system) so that your salespeople could effectively handle the flow of incoming leads.

You spoke. We listened. :) So please meet AmoCRM, our newest widget!

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New “Share Buttons” Widget Is Here!

Added by: Caterpillar , 12:16 3336

Summer is the most long-awaited season of the year. With everything it brings — vacations, sunshine, picnics, and, of course, hot uKit updates — how could it not be? :)

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Meet Our Bright Summer Update

Added by: Caterpillar , 11:50 3518

Hooray, summer has arrived, and so has a new addition to the uKit platform!

Meet an updated Video widget, a new system title “reply-to” for feedback forms and easy-to-use settings for an online shop.

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Secure Your uKit Website with HTTPS

Added by: Caterpillar , 13:20 4032

We are particularly delighted to announce the today’s update, as we know how greatly it was anticipated by most of you. Starting from now, you can attach a SSL certificate to your uKit website! Read on to learn the details.

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